Employees Desperate To Steal In The Children's Room Of Hotel Owners In North Sumatra, IDR 24 Million Gold Stolen For Online Gambling

MEDAN - A hotel employee in Tarutung, North Tapanuli, North Sumatra, with the initials RW (23) was arrested by the police. The resident of Hutagugur, Sipahutar was arrested for stealing gold in the children's room of the hotel owner where he worked.

From this reckless action, the RW actors stole gold jewelry and 2 savings books.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of Taput Police, AKP Kristo Tamba accompanied by Head of Pidum Aipda M Purba explained to reporters that the theft in the hotel boss's son's room in Tarutung, North Sumatra occurred Sunday, November 7, noon. At that time, the victim was out and the hotel was also deserted from the innkeepers.

"That's when the suspect acted after seeing the conditions and the situation was safe. After the victim came home, he saw that his room was a mess, then the victim reported it to the Taput Police on the same day," said AKP Kristo, Friday, December 3.

After receiving the report, the police immediately started an investigation.

"We found sufficient preliminary evidence supported by other evidence. We arrested the suspect RWS, Monday, November 29," continued AKP Kristo.

From the interrogation, RS explained the mode of the theft. At first, the suspect took the handle of the broom and connected it to the water pipe and electric cable and then went to the back of the victim's room.

"After the suspect turned the glass behind him and pressed the lock on the bedroom door. After it was opened, the suspect returned to the front of the room and entered the room," said AKP Kristo.

In the room, the suspect then searched the victim's closet and managed to take gold jewelry and 2 BRI savings books.

"Then the suspect returned to work at the hotel as usual. On Sunday night, the suspect excused himself from the hotel owner and left for Medan City to sell his stolen goods," he said.

In the city of Medan, the suspect sold the gold jewelry to a street gold seller at Pringgan Market at a price of Rp. 24,500,000 to OS (44), a resident of Patumbak, Deli Serdang.

"The money was used by the suspect to play online gambling and Scatter games. We have also secured the suspect OS and have been detained as a collector," continued AKP Kristo.

From the suspect's hands, the police secured several pieces of evidence. Now, the two suspects have been arrested.

"The RWS is subject to Article 362 of the Criminal Code with a threat of 5 years in prison. Meanwhile, the suspect OS is subject to Article 480 of the Criminal Code with a threat of 4 years in prison," said AKP Kristo.