Ridwan Kamil Explains The Reasons Why Erick Thohir And President Jokowi Cannot Be Covid-19 Vaccine Volunteers

JAKARTA - West Java (West Java) Governor Ridwan Kamil explained the reason why President Joko Widodo and Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir could not volunteer for the COVID-19 vaccine in collaboration between Bio Farma and Sinovac company from China.

According to Ridwan, there are a number of conditions that must be fulfilled by potential vaccine recipients. One of them is living in West Java, especially those close to PT Bio Farma.

"The priority is to prioritize those who are close to Bio Farma. That is why volunteers are expected to be from Bandung, Cimahi people not in other districts or provinces because there is only monthly monitoring," Ridwan said through a video broadcast on his Twitter account @ridwankamil, Wednesday, 12 August.