3 Police Personnel From Kayong Utara Police Dismissed Disrespectfully, Police Chief Admits He Has Provided An Opportunity To Change

KALBAR - North Kayong Police, West Kalimantan held a dishonorable dismissal of three of its personnel. The dismissal ceremony was held at the Kayong Utara Mapolres field on Thursday, December 2.

Kayong Utara Police Chief AKBP Bambang Sukmo Wibowo said the letter for the dismissal of the three percent of personnel had been issued in October 2021 but was only implemented this month. The letter of dismissal according to the Decree of the Head of the West Kalimantan Police passed, KEP/519/X/2021. The three percentiles who were fired were Brigpol W, Brigadier P and Brigadier N.

"This dismissal was carried out because the person concerned has been declared to have violated the police's professional code of ethics," said Bambang when contacted, Antara, Friday, December 3.

The dismissal is done symbolically. Police Chief Bambang crossed out the photo of the three personnel who were dismissed because the three were not present at the ceremony.

The ceremony went smoothly and orderly. The police chief said the dismissal ceremony was not respectfully a moment of concern but not for sadness.

"Currently it is a means of contemplation for all members of the North Kayong Police to understand and live the meaning of devotion and gratitude," he explained.

Bambang admitted that the dismissal process took quite a long time. However, because the three of them did not show any change in behavior and mentality, dismissal was the best way to rid the organization of useless waste.

"I continue to urge and invite all ranks of Polri personnel in North Kayong to continue to carry out their duties and service as well as possible," he said.