Police Arrest Viral Thugs For Palak Decoration Entrepreneurs In Medan

MEDAN - The Medan Baru Police Team, Medan City, arrested a thug named Muhammad Sanjaya who was harassing the owner of the Shabbycihik Decoration business.

New Medan Police Chief AKP Teuku Fathir Mustafa said the victim's burglary, Indria Jayatri's version, on Saturday, November 27.

"The burglary incident began when the victim was delivering decoration equipment to the Polonia Hotel, Medan," said AKP Police Chief Teuku Fathir Mustafa as quoted from a written statement, Thursday, December 2.

When the victim unloaded the decorations, the victim was approached by an unknown man who asked for Rp. 150,000.

"The perpetrator asked the victim for money on behalf of the SPSI Organization. There the victim paid Rp120,000," he said.

The next day, Sunday, November 28, the perpetrator returned to the victim in Medan Baru.

"The reason the perpetrator came back to the victim was because he wanted to pawn his cellphone. But the victim said there was no money, then the perpetrator asked for the remaining Rp. 30,000 of the money yesterday. The victim said there was no money while making a video of the perpetrator's action, which then went viral on social media," said AKP Fathir. .

After this incident went viral, the Police Chief ordered the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit, Iptu Martua Manik and the team to conduct an investigation.

"Based on the results of the officer's investigation, the perpetrator was arrested on Wednesday December 1 at around 17.30 WIB on Jalan Agus Salim, a coffee shop in Medan Polonia," said the police chief.

During the interrogation, the perpetrator admitted that he asked the victim for Rp120,000 for the security reason.

“After we apprehend the perpetrator, the officers contacted the victim to come to the Medan Baru Police office and the victim has also made a complaint report. For evidence that was secured in cash Rp40,000 (the rest of the proceeds in the palak) and 1 (one) black bag, a video recording of the victim at the time of the incident, "said AKP Fathir.