Nia Ramadhani And Ardi Bakrie Are Late For Trial Until They Are Reprimanded By The Judge, The Reason Is Bad

JAKARTA - The team of celebrity attorneys who were accused of drug abuse cases, Nia Ramadhani explained the reason why her client was late for the first trial by up to two hours.

Wa Ode Nur Zainab, Nia Ramadhani's attorney, said that his client was very ready to go to trial, especially when Nia was cooperative during the arrest.

"They are really ready to face this trial. From the start at the Central Jakarta Metro Police, they are ready to face it. It's true that they admit their actions and know the risks," Wa Ode told reporters at the Central Jakarta District Court, quoted by Antara, Thursday, December 2nd.

Wa Ode explained that his client was late because Nia and Ardi had digestive problems when they were going to the Central Jakarta District Court (PN).

"Miss Nia and Pak Ardi had 'mules-mules'. I imagine the trip was jammed, so it took a little while to wait from the doctor and they were given medicine and were able to come, even though it was late. But it wasn't intentional," he continued.

The panel of judges at the Central Jakarta District Court (Jakpus) warned the accused husband and wife of drug abuse, Nia Ramadhani and Ardiansyah Bakrie, for being late for the inaugural trial, which was supposed to start at 10.00 WIB on Thursday.

"The defendants, I warn the three of you to consult your legal team for everything, don't consult other parties," said Chief Justice Muhammad Damis when opening the trial.

"I ask for the help of the three brothers so that they don't get influenced by anyone who will take care of your case," he said.

Muhammad Damis also asked for accountability from the Public Prosecutor (JPU) regarding the postponement of the trial schedule which was originally scheduled to be held at 10.00 WIB.

"The panel of judges set the trial at 10.00 WIB. At that hour the panel of judges was ready to convene, but the information on the defendant was not here," he said.

In response to this, one of the prosecutors apologized because the trial time was delayed from the original schedule.

"We, the public prosecutor's team, apologize for the information this morning from legal counsel, the defendant is not feeling well, such as diarrhea," said one of the prosecutors.

Prosecutors charged the celebrity couple and defendants Nia Ramadhani and Ardi Bakrie and personal driver Zen Vivanto with drug abuse articles for consuming class I narcotics.

"The defendants, Wednesday, July 7, 2021, at around 08.00 WIB or at least in July at the house on Jalan Metro Kencana 5, Pondok Pinang, Kebayoran Lama, South Jakarta, have committed, participated in, as a class I narcotics abuser for themselves. alone," said Prosecutor Andri Saputra when reading the indictment.

For their actions, the defendants were also charged with violating Article 127 paragraph 1 letter a of Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code with a penalty of four years in prison.