Anies Calls Syndicated Bank Loans To MSMEs Unique, Why?
JAKARTA - DKI Provincial Government through BUMD Bank DKI together with 19 other regional banks run a syndicated business capital loan disbursement program to MSME players worth IDR 4 trillion.
DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan said that business capital financing for ultra micro, micro, and small business actors from a combination of regional banks was a unique thing. This is because many banks work together to use market mechanisms for the welfare of MSME actors.
"What's unique here is the syndicate of so many banks, working together, channeling, this is coordinated by Bank DKI, then it reaches the common people. This is what is called using the market mechanism to provide social justice," said Anies at DKI City Hall, Thursday, November 2nd.
This is different from the usual assistance provided by the government. To improve the economic condition of the community, they are usually given direct cash assistance.
"Often we provide cash assistance to the community. If this is in the form of business capital. This is what makes this unique. This means that we give an injection to the market, but it is directly given to the small ones. What usually happens is that someone does not benefit from the mechanism. market, then assisted through subsidies. This is different," explained Anies.
In addition, Anies said that business actors who have been registered in the Jakpreneur or OK OCE program also have access to credit from this distribution. They can be given capital after participating in the seven stages of the Jakpreneur program.
For information, the dozens of banks that participated in financing the syndication were Bank Papua, Bank Jatim, Bank Sumsel Babel, Bank Sumut, Bank Kalbar, Bank Jateng, Bank Kaltimtara, Bank Sulselbar, Bank Bali, Bank Sulteng, Bank Kalteng, Bank Bengkulu, and Bank Maluku. Shame for conventional financing.
Meanwhile, in terms of sharia payments, the Hajj Financial Management Agency (BPKH), Bank Jatim, Bank Sumut, Bank Aceh Syariah, Bank Kalsel, Bank Kaltimtara, Bank Sumsel Babel, Bank DIY, Bank Riau, Bank Muamalat, and Bank Sulselbar, participated.