Dozens Of Houses In Parakan Temanggung Damaged By Stormy Wind

TEMANGGUNG - Dozens of houses in Parakan District, Temanggung Regency, Central Java. damaged after being hit by a hurricane.

The Head of BPBD for Temanggung Regency, Toifur Hadi, said that the hurricane hit two villages/kelurahan in the Parakan sub-district, namely Wanutengah Village and Parakan Wetan Village.

"The hurricane caused dozens of houses or buildings to be damaged, especially on the roof," he said, quoted by Antara, Thursday, December 2.

Toifur said the impact of the incident was that in Parakan Wetan Village, Panjangsari Lama neighborhood, five houses were lightly damaged on the roof and at the Al Mujahidin Mosque with minor damage to the parking lot, and a church with minor damage to the roof.

Then in Mulyosari Hamlet, Wanutengah Village, Parakan District, several houses were also damaged, but currently it is still being collected.

There were no fatalities in the hurricane incident.

Secretary of Parakan Sub-district, Edi Mursito, said that after the incident, residents assisted by volunteers tried to get rid of the debris of damaged roof materials.

Toifur said that after the hurricane, the electricity in the area also went out.