Using Locker Mode, Men In North Sumatra Rob And Force Women To Take Off Their Clothes

MEDAN - The man with the initials SKT (24) was arrested by the Jatanras Satreskrim team at the Asahan Police, North Sumatra. SKT commits violent theft against women at the Sei Balai Plantation, Meranti District.

Apart from robbing, SKT perpetrators also sexually harassed their victim, a woman with the initials LY (23).

The Asahan Police Chief, AKBP Putu Yudha Prawira, through the Head of the Public Relations Subdivision, Ipda Charles Sianipar, said that it was the beginning of the meeting between the perpetrator and the victim.

At first, the victim saw on the Facebook application with an account name he didn't remember about job vacancies in daily cooperatives. The victim then sent a message to the Facebook account.

"Furthermore, the victim and the perpetrator communicated via telephone," said Ipda Charles, Thursday, December.

Then on Friday, November 26, in the afternoon, the victim left the house by taking a bus to the Kampung Durian gas station in Sei Balai District, Batu Bara Regency.

"After the victim arrived at the destination and contacted, the perpetrator came to the victim by riding a motorcycle. The victim was immediately ordered by the perpetrator to get on the motorcycle," he said.

On the way, the perpetrator asked the victim to accompany him to collect installments towards the Sei Balai oil palm plantation.

"Arriving at the Sei Balai oil palm plantation, the perpetrator stopped his motorbike on the grounds that he was going to urinate. After that, the perpetrator immediately pointed a knife to the victim's right neck," he said.

When pointing a knife, the perpetrator told the victim to hand over all his belongings. Because of panic, the victim did what the perpetrator ordered.

"Besides that, the perpetrator also said, 'take off your shirt' and the victim replied that the perpetrator should lower his knife. At that time, the victim immediately fled," he said.

The victim makes a complaint report to the Asahan Police. The police immediately went to investigate.

"On Wednesday, December 1, 2021 afternoon, officers received information that the perpetrator was living in Sei Beluru Village. Next, officers followed the movement of the perpetrator towards the Sumatran cross road, precisely in Durian Village and secured the perpetrator," he said.

However, when arrested, the perpetrator tried to resist so the officers shot the perpetrator in the leg. From the hands of the perpetrators, the police also secured several pieces of evidence in the form of a knife which was used to threaten the victim.

"Furthermore, the perpetrators were brought to the Asahan Police for the investigation process," he concluded.