Visiting F-PAN DPR, One Finger Indonesia Proposes Convention To Enter 2024 Election Stages

JAKARTA - The Central Executive Board (DPP) of One Finger Indonesia visited the DPR building to hold an audience with the PAN faction to convey aspirations regarding the Election Law.

The aspiration is related to the mechanism for the convention of presidential and vice presidential candidates which are considered important to be included in the 2024 election implementation stage.

The One Finger DPP, chaired by the former vice president of the Ummat Party, Agung Mozin, assessed that with the Election Law which stipulates the presidential threshold of 20 percent, many parties cannot produce the best sons and daughters other than through a coalition mechanism among political parties.

This condition creates a great opportunity for a handful of people or oligarchs to determine the direction of Indonesian democracy.

"One finger, Indonesia does not want to have a polemic with the Constitutional Court, which has rejected all requests for judicial review of the presidential threshold from various parties. We propose that the determination of the pair of presidential and vice-presidential candidates is not only measured qualitatively by 20 percent, but focuses more on displaying qualitative measures, with the emergence of many alternatives candidates for national leaders who are truly qualified," said the Secretary General of One Finger Indonesia, Deddy Rahman, in the PAN Fraction room of the DPR, Thursday, December 2.

Deddy said that the emergence of quality national leaders was designed through the stages of holding elections, so that all political parties worked intensively in carrying out the mandate of the 1945 Constitution Article 6A by implementing the presidential and vice presidential pair conventions.

And published widely by including the role of the people as a determinant of the nation's democratic future.

"By considering the readiness of the Indonesian people to welcome the revival of 100 years of Indonesia's independence, Satu Jari Indonesia considers it very important to include the convention mechanism in the 2024 election implementation stage," said Deddy.

In addition to the PAN faction, Satu Jari Indonesia also proposed hearings with other political party factions to realize convection in the 2024 election stage.