New President Director's Strategy To Improve PLN

JAKARTA - Zulkifli Zaini has been appointed as the President Director of PLN. He has several strategies to fix the country's electricity company.

First, Zulkifli will minimize the problem of blackouts (security of supply). Second, he will ensure affordable electricity rates for the community.

Third, he realized that no company could afford to carry out its mandate, unless financially well. "Therefore, PLN directors and commissioners are trying to make PLN's financial flow run smoothly," said Zulkifli at the Ministry of BUMN, Central Jakarta, Monday, December 23.

Fourth, it will streamline the PLN operational system. "We expect PLN resources to be competent in working together or in synergy and have an orientation to serve," he said.

Fifth, he will maximize new and renewable energy (EBT) and make the partnership conducive. This is done by establishing good communication with stakeholders, adopting technology and increasing innovation.

The next challenge, Zulkifli was asked by BUMN Minister Erick Thohir to ensure that PLN becomes a company that is able to support economic growth, provide electricity to all villages, and build good governance.

"In addition, (prioritizing) transparency and openness to the public as well as speed of action but with a good structure and with measurable risks," he said.

BUMN Office (Diah Ayu Wardani / VOI)

The reason for not choosing Rudiantara

Previously, news circulated that the former Minister of Communication and Information Technology, Rudiantara, was predicted to become the head of PLN. However, it turns out that Zulkifli who was elected felt the seat of the President Director of the government electricity company.

Special Staff to the Minister of BUMN Arya Sinulingga claimed from the start that he had never officially considered Rudiantara's name. Arya also did not answer in detail about the classification of the name of the PLN CEO.

"Right from the start, we didn't have anything to say about it (rudiantara). Just talking about him was included (in the choice). Later we will see if there is a need for BUMN, we can ask for it," said Arya.

Then, Arya revealed that the reason Zulkifli was chosen to be the head of PLN was because he wanted to refresh work formation by appointing outsiders. In addition, Zulkifli has been the Managing Director of Bank Mandiri for several years.

"The (main problem) PLN is in distribution. So the cash flow must be strong and reduce electricity costs. Like it or not, financial experts (like Zulkifli) are influencing (PLN's program)," explained Arya.