Asking For TNI Security, Hillary Brigitta: It's Not That I Want To Be Cool, There's Something I Want To Voice And Potentially Disrupt A Group Of Persons

JAKARTA - The youngest member of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Hillary Brigitta Lasut, admitted that he asked for help in securing the TNI, not to be arrogant. He insists he wants to feel safe when speaking or carrying out tasks.

"You could say I asked for security assistance because I needed it and I was pressed, not just to look cool. There are big and strategic things that I will speak about in the future and have the potential to disturb a group of people, so I believe there is no harm in anticipating actions," he said. Brigitta in her statement, Thursday, December 2. The member of Commission I of the House of Representatives from the NasDem faction has sent a direct letter to the Army Chief of Staff General Dudung Abdurachman regarding this request for security assistance.

According to him, this is in accordance with Ministerial Regulation No. 85 of 2014. Belied regulates the profession of TNI soldiers who work outside the Ministry of Defense and the Indonesian National Armed Forces.

"It's true, I wrote to the Army Chief of Staff to request security assistance in accordance with Ministerial Regulation No. 85 of 2014," said Hillary. Security assistance chose the TNI because physically and mentally they are always ready to fight in the field," added Brigitta. In Article 2 of the Minister of Defense Number 85 of 2014 it is stated that TNI soldiers have abilities in the field of special expertise or competence who will carry out assignments or practices outside the Ministry of Defense and TNI institutions based on needs and requests from government agencies; non-government agencies; and/or Mandiri. In addition, Hillary also admitted that she often troubled the National Police Chief when she asked the police for it. "Regarding the many cases of small communities in North Sulawesi that I oversee, I feel more comfortable this time asking the TNI for help," said Hillary.

This NasDem Party politician revealed the reason for asking the TNI for assistance for security, not as an aide. He said that the political world is dynamic and mysterious for the 25-year-old woman.

"Honestly I have to admit, it's quite difficult to be a woman in her 20s and not married, especially in the dynamic and unpredictable world of politics. The need for outside assignments, meeting lots of people, and meeting people until late at night, and expressing People's opinions and voices, which sometimes differ from the interests of some strong groups, make threats and worries inevitable," he said.

Hillary admits that she lives alone in the capital with her aunt and younger siblings. In addition, his father served in the border area which made him consider security.

"Nobody is physically strong at home, my eldest brother has just graduated from middle school, the youngest is only 3 years old," said Hillary. . This made him determined to open up to asking for security assistance, especially because he admitted that he often had disagreements with many parties when defending the people of North Sulawesi.

"I'm not someone who likes to be followed here and there. However, because of these considerations, I realized that I'm not good at martial arts, I'm a woman who has big dreams but can't cover my limited physical abilities, and although I believe women can So whatever, I don't think there's anything wrong with admitting your own limitations by asking for help as long as it's not against the rules," said Hillary.