PGN Agrees On Nine Gas Sale And Purchase Agreements

BALI - PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) as Subholding Gas Pertamina has agreed to nine natural gas sales and purchase agreements for the security of natural gas supply on the islands of Sumatra and Java. PGN signed the commercial agreement at The 2nd International Convention on Indonesian Upstream Oil and Gas 2021. organized by SKK Migas in Bali on November 29 to December 1, 2021.

"We are integrating infrastructure from northern Sumatra to East Java so that the distribution of natural gas to various segments is more flexible and reliable," said PGN's Director of Strategy and Business Development Heru Setiawan in Badung, Bali, as reported by Antara, Wednesday, December 1. At IOG 2021, Pertamina Gas Subholding signed a Gas Sales and Purchase Agreement (PJBG) and Letter of Agreement (LoA) with upstream producers to support industrial competitiveness and maintain natural gas supply resilience. Pertamina Gas Subholding and PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) Jambi Merang signed a sale agreement purchase gas with a total volume of 34.8 BBTUD. Natural gas from PHE Jambi Merang will be used for customer needs in the oil and gas lifting sector, refineries, electricity, and industry in Central Sumatra, Riau Islands, South Sumatra and West Java The gas sale and purchase agreement was signed by the Director of PHE Jambi Merang Jaffee Arizon, Director of Strategy and Business Development of PG N Heru Setiawan, President Director of Pertagas Wiko Migantoro, and President Director of Pertagas Niaga Aminuddin. In addition, PGN and Saka Energi Muriah Limited signed a PJBG to meet the needs of customers in the electricity and industrial sectors in the Java region with a volume of 10-12 BBTUD from the Muriah Work Area. PGN with ConocoPhillips Grissik Limited (CPGL) and Medco Energi Madura Offshore Pty Ltd (Medco) also signed an LoA for the implementation of a certain natural gas price (HGBT) based on the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Decrees 135K/2021 and 134K/2021. The details of the LoA document between PGN and partners the signed upstream producers are as follows:1. The LoA between PGN and CPGL SSWJ for the implementation of Kepmen 134 and 135 in South Sumatra and West Java is 343.92 BBTUD.

2. The LoA between PGN and CPGL Batam I for the implementation of Ministerial Decrees 134 and 135 in the Batam area is 19.41 BBTUD.3. The LoA between PGN and CPGL Batam III for the implementation of Kepmen 134 is 33 BBTUD.4. The LoA between PGN and CPGL Dumai for the implementation of Kepmen 134 in Central Sumatra is 8.37 BBTUD.5. The LoA between PGN and CPGL RU Dumai for the implementation of Kepmen 135 in the central Sumatra and Batam areas is 12.5 BBTUD.6. The LoA between PGN and Medco Maleo for the implementation of Kepmen 134 in East Java is 15 BBTUD.7. The LoA between PGN and Medco Meliwis for the implementation of Kepmen 134 in East Java is 9.67 BBTUD. for the national economy," concluded Heru.