TNI-Police Clash Case, Commander: Not Only Resolved Peacefully Shaking Hands, But Legal Processing

JAYAPURA - The Commander of the Indonesian National Armed Forces, General TNI Andika Perkasa, has ensured that soldiers involved in clashes will be dealt with in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

"It will not only be resolved peacefully by shaking hands followed by joint sports, but must be processed by law. Everything will be processed by law, including what happened in Tembagapura, Mimika Regency, Papua," said TNI General Andika Perkasa, in Jayapura quoted by Antara, Wednesday, December 1 .

He admitted that clashes occurred not only in Tembagapura, but also in two other cities in Indonesia, namely in Batam and Ambon.

"The legal process must be enforced, so that the perpetrators must be dealt with according to the law," said Andika, adding that for the Tembagapura case, four soldiers were investigated.

Deputy Chief of the Papua Police Brigadier General Eko Rudi Sudarto separately stated that the two parties who had clashed had made peace.

However, the legal process is still being carried out, said Eko Sudarto, while admitting that he had not received a report related to the examination process.

The incident that occurred on Saturday, November 27, at Ridge Camp Pos RCTU Mile 72 started from a misunderstanding when members of the Amole Task Force Company 3 were selling cigarettes.

Then about 20 members of the Nanggala Task Force who wanted to buy cigarettes complained about the price of cigarettes sold, resulting in a commotion and beatings that resulted in six people being injured.

There were also members of Brimob who were injured, namely First Brigadier Risma with a stick, First Brigadier Ramazana with minor injuries, First Brigadier Edi with minor injuries from a bayonet, Bharaka Heru with minor injuries, Bharatu Munawir not injured, and Bharatu Julianda with minor injuries.