Mulkan Regent Brings Good News, Salaries For Teachers And Temporary Employees In Bangka Rise By Rp. 200 Thousand
BANGKA - The Bangka Regency Government of the Bangka Belitung Islands Province has set a salary increase for non-permanent teachers (GTT) and non-permanent employees (PTT) at all elementary and junior high school levels in the 2022 fiscal year of IDR 200 thousand.
"For the 2022 budget year, it is determined that there will be an increase in salaries for non-permanent teachers of Rp. 200 thousand per month from the previous Rp. 1.1 million to Rp. 1.3 million per month," said Bangka Regent Mulkan in Sungailiat, Bangka Regency, Antara, Wednesday, December 1.
Likewise, the same salary increase was applied to non-permanent school employees or administrative employees (TU) from Rp900 thousand per month to Rp1.1 million per month.
"The policy of increasing salaries for GTT and PTT is part of the local government's efforts to help improve the welfare of teachers at the elementary and junior high school levels," he explained.
The number of GTT in schools spread across eight sub-districts in Bangka Regency reaches approximately one thousand people while the TU employees are around 300 people.
"The amount of the salary increase of Rp. 200 thousand per month for GTT and PTT is adjusted to the financial capacity of the region so that the salary in each region will be different," he said.
The increase in salaries of hundreds of thousands per month, he said, was only applied specifically to GTT and PTT in elementary and junior high schools, while contract workers in regional apparatus organizations did not increase," he explained.