Minister Bahlil Regarding UMP Amount: We Choose, Hold A Few Companies Survive Or We Force The Company To Disband

JAKARTA - Investment Minister/Head of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) Bahlil Lahadalia asked the workers to be big-hearted regarding the determination of the 2022 provincial minimum wage (UMP).

Bahlil revealed that the pandemic had hit Indonesia since last year. Entrepreneurs have had a pretty heavy impact over the past year and a half.

"This is like a car, these companies are just starting to warm up, just change the oil, suddenly they are given a high load. This could cause the car to enter the sewer," he said at an online press conference in Jakarta, Wednesday, December 1, quoted from Antara.

As a former entrepreneur, Bahlil admits that entrepreneurs don't always think about making a profit. But he also tries to keep his business going.

"Because if he doesn't have the ability to pay his employees, the company will close," he said.

From the labor side, as a former employee, Bahlil also asked the workers to be big-hearted in responding to the decision to determine the 2022 UMP.

"I respect my fellow workers, because I used to be an employee too, I respect them. But we have to be in the middle. What's important is that they can also get a salary, but don't give their business too high a burden either. them," he said.

According to Bahlil, even though the economic recovery is starting to take place, entrepreneurs are still in a difficult condition.

"They continue to have refinancing credits. The interest is only paid, part of the principal cannot be paid. If we add more burdens later, the company will close and we will all disband. Now we choose, hold on a little but the company survives or we force the company to dissolve and we don't get anything," concluded Bahlil.