Those Who Have Not Been Vaccinated Become A Gap For The Virus To Be Infectious And Growing

JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Vaccination of the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) Siti Nadia Tarmizi emphasized that all parties need to immediately follow the COVID-19 vaccination to close the gap for the SARS-CoV-2 virus mutation that is growing in Indonesia.

"Because there are still target groups who have not received the vaccine, that is the gap for the virus to spread and develop in the community," Nadia said in the Main Wednesday Dialogue entitled Cases of Downsizing Accelerated Vaccination Continues to be followed online in Jakarta, Wednesday December 1.

Nadia said, the occurrence of the third wave of COVID-19 which is currently being experienced by several other countries, is because there are still people who have not been vaccinated, thus opening a gap for the virus to develop. Although vaccination coverage in those countries has reached 50 to 60 percent.

In addition to causing the virus to grow, this gap accelerates the virus to spread the infection to more people and will produce new virus mutations to adapt to the surrounding environment.

"So it is important that at this time we hasten our brothers and sisters who have not received the first dose of vaccination, the second dose so that there was no gap earlier for the virus to develop, then adjust and produce new variants," he said as quoted by Antara.

Responding to the need for a booster vaccine at this time, Nadia said that giving a booster vaccine is not yet necessary. However, the most important thing that must be considered at this time is that all people who are targeted by the government can get a complete dose of vaccine.

He also said that the government's current focus is to distribute the COVID-19 vaccine to people who have not been vaccinated in the regions due to limited availability.

Therefore, people in the regions are advised not to pick and choose the brand of the COVID-19 vaccine provided. So, it is hoped that as soon as possible the group immunity can be formed through the complete dose of the vaccine.

"What is our concern is that it is important to share this with our brothers and sisters who have not been vaccinated. Because the availability of this vaccine is limited, it is best if the availability of this limited vaccine is for us to achieve the complete dose of vaccination," said Nadia.