2 Cows From Agam, West Sumatra, Were Eaten By Tigers, Their Bodies Were Full Of Scratches And Bites

AGAM - Two cows belonging to Rano, a resident of Mahur Hilia, Nagari Silareh Aia, Palembayan District, Agam Regency, West Sumatra, were allegedly eaten by wild animals on Tuesday, November 30 morning. On the body of the cow there are traces of the claws of an animal suspected of being a tiger.

The guardian of Nagari Silareh Aia, Iron Maria Edi, said that one cow was found dead while the other was injured.

"The bodies of the two cows have many scratches and there are traces of the teeth of the wildlife," he said.

in Lubuk Basung reported by Antara, Wednesday, December 1.

Even though the two cows were in a cage not far from the victim's house. Reports of tiger attacks were received by officers today.

Receiving this information, he added, he immediately reported the incident to the Natural Resources Conservation Resort (KSDA) of Agam.

"We immediately reported it to the Agam KSDA Resort to address the residents' concerns, and this is one of the anticipations that we are doing," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Agam KSDA Resort, Ade Putra, added that his party was heading to the location to respond to reports of conflicts between animals and humans.

"We immediately went to the location after receiving a report from the village guardian regarding the residents' livestock being eaten by animals," he said.

He added that the team went to the location for field identification to ensure that the animals that preyed on the residents' livestock were from scratch marks, feet and dirt.

If it is known, the Agam KSDA Resort will make further efforts. "After getting it, then we will make further efforts, whether it is expulsion or setting traps," he said.