Independence Prize, IDR 2.4 Million Aid For Liquid MSMEs On 17 August
JAKARTA - Finance Minister Sri Mulyani confirmed that productive assistance worth IDR 2.4 million to micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) that do not have access to banking will be disbursed this month.
"Maybe after, or on August 17, the president or his ministers have announced the program," he said, in the "Gotong Royong #JagaUMKMIndonesia: Government Stimulus to Strengthen MSMEs", Tuesday, August 11.
Sri Mulyani Indrawati said the challenge in distributing productive social assistance to micro, small and medium enterprises is a matter of data. Obstacles in data collection on business actors which are currently being cleared.
Furthermore, Sri said, if you use non-banking data, there will be data such as Ultra Micro Financing (UMi) and Mekar totaling 2-4 million business actors. However, there are only 1.5 million business actors in cooperatives.
"The challenge is data. The existing data is being cleaned," he said.
According to Sri Mulyani, this data collection problem occurred because there was no updating of data from the government, especially from the regional government (pemda). The obstacle experienced by the government in the distribution of aid is the out-of-date data. He said, there was a deviation between the data held by the Ministry of Social Affairs and the reality in society.
"When examined, it turns out that the data has not been updated since 2015, because updating of the data depends on the regional government, based on the new laws and regulations. Meanwhile, not all local governments are updating it, until finally COVID-19 occurs in 2020 and requires more data. new, "he said.
The state treasurer said that the government's large budget for incentives would lead to injustice if the data problem was not resolved.
"It will happen if the data is not clean, there are parties who can get 1-2 government assistance and others who have not received it at all. This will then create a dimension of injustice that usually causes reactions in the community," he said.
This data reorganization needs to be as transparent as possible because there will be an audit from the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK). Sri Mulyani said that the government was racing with speed and accuracy regarding this data collection issue.
"We always try to avoid problems from an accountability perspective," he said.
For your information, the provision of incentives or social assistance is given to revive the economy, including MSMEs which are very much affected as well as being included in the national economic recovery plan (PEN). This assistance will be given to 12 million MSMEs.