Raffi Ahmad-Nagita Slavina Reveals The Meaning Of The Name Of The Second Child, Rayyanza Malik Ahmad

JAKARTA - The couple Raffi Ahmad and Nagita Slavina welcomed the birth of their second child on November 26 at RSIA Bunda, Jakarta. A few days later, they revealed the name of their second child, Rayyanza Malik Ahmad.

"Rayyanza means Rayyan is the light of a boy's handsomeness. Malik is the king, hopefully in the future he can become a leader," said Raffi Ahmad at a virtual press conference Tuesday, November 30.

"Ahmad is commendable. So he is a boy who has the light of handsomeness at the door of heaven and is also a leader and a commendable character, Amen," he continued.

In searching for a name, Raffi and Nagita were not so dizzy. They have prepared options and discussed with people around.

"He said the boy's name must be determined by me. I also asked for input from my mother, which close people are good. Finally Rayyanza Malik Ahmad," said Raffi.

Neither Rafathar nor Rayyanza are short names. It is known that both Rafathar and Rayyanza have the name Malik Ahmad.

"At first, Nagita didn't want to use Malik, she wanted to use something else. But after seeing Rafathar, there are seeds of jealousy, so let's just use Malik Ahmad. Let's feel equal," said Raffi.

"Poor to see Rafathar," added Nagita Slavina.