Defendant Of Wind Tax Bribery Prayitno Denies Handling PT Johnlin Baratama's Tax

JAKARTA - The lawyer for the defendant in the alleged bribery case against the tax deduction of Angin Prayitno, Syaefullah Hamid, stated that the tax audit of PT Johnlin Baratama was not during his client's leadership as Director of Audit and Collection of the Directorate General of Taxes (DJP) of the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu).

The statement was in response to the follow-up trial of the alleged bribery in the management of tax values in 2016 and 2017 at the Ministry of Finance's DGT. Where, the prosecutor presented three witnesses, including Tax Consultant PT Jhonlin Baratama, Agus Susetyo and two employees at the Directorate General of Taxes (DJP) of the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu), Yudi Sutiana and Yulianto.

"The fact is that the tax audit of PT Johnlin Baratama was not carried out in the era of Angin Prayitno Aji," said Syaefullah at the Corruption Court, Jakarta, Tuesday, November 29.

Based on the indictment of the public prosecutor (JPU) and the minutes of examination (BAP) of witness Yulmanizar who is also a tax examiner team from the Ministry of Finance's DGT, the determination of the tax amount of PT Johnlin Baratama was carried out in accordance with a request from Agus Susetyo, who is the company's tax consultant.

"By conditioning the amount of tax based on Agus's request, it is handed over to the Supervisor to be forwarded to the Head of the Controlling Sub-Directorate and with the knowledge of Yulmanizar, the Head of Sub-Directorate submits it to the Director of P2 Angin Prayitno Aji. According to Yulmanizar, Director of P2 Angin Prayitno Aji agreed," said Syaefullah.

Then, even in the BAP, Angin Prayitno approved the issuance of the Tax Return which is the basis of the Tax Assessment. However, the approval process took place in April 2019.

Where, at that time, Angin Prayitno no longer served as Director of Audit and Collection. Because, said Syaefullah, his client had left the position since early 2019.

"Since January 2019 Angin Prayitno Aji is no longer the Director of Audit and Collection," he said.

"The initial inspection process starts from the issuance of the Audit Order Letter on March 22, 2019, the implementation of the audit, the issuance of the Audit Result Notification Letter, the calculation of the tax value and the preparation of the Audit Result report during Irawan's tenure as a new official," he explained.

Thus, in the trial there was no agreement in determining PT Johnlin Baratama's tax. In addition, there is no giving of money to tax auditors or other related parties.

In fact, in the final discussion, PT Johnlin Baratama had time to disagree with several tax corrections made by the tax examiner. So the taxpayer filed a rebuttal.

"However, because the tax assessment issued is not in accordance with the calculation of the taxpayer, the taxpayer makes an objection to the DJP Regional Office in Banjarmasin. This objection is partially granted by the Regional Office," he said. potential and good tax. Yulmanizar and group IV chose PT Jhonlin.

The team received PT Jhonlin's tax potential in 2016 of IDR 6.6 billion and 2017 of IDR 19 billion. The results of the analysis were forwarded to the Central Level Examination Committee in January 2019. After approval, Angin Prayitno Aji issued instructions to continue the examination. Although Angin has been replaced from his position on March 22, 2019, the investigation continues.

In addition, with the inspection, PT Jhonlin appointed consultant Agus Susetyo. During the tax audit, a team from the Directorate General of Taxes went to the field at PT Jhonlin's location in Batulicin, South Kalimantan in March 2019.

PT Jhonlin through Agus financed the accommodation for the inspection team, starting from plane tickets to hotels. On his way home after the inspection, Agus Susetyo lobbied the tax audit team so that they manipulated the value of PT Jhonlin Baratama's 2016 and 2017 tax underpayments in the range of Rp 10 billion.

Agus promised Rp 50 billion for tax inspectors and structural officials. Wawan Ridwan conveyed the request to Dadan. Dadan agrees.

The Prosecutor stated that it was Febrian who was in charge of drafting the calculation of the Examination Result Report. The draft was deliberately made so that the Tax Assessment Letter for PT Jhonlin would later be in accordance with Agus' request, which was Rp 10 billion. At Yulmanizar's direction, Febrian then set PT Jhonlin's tax underpayment figure of IDR 70.6 billion for 2016.

Meanwhile, for 2017, Febrian regulated PT Jhonlin's tax overpayment of Rp 59.9 billion. So that the amount of tax underpayment of PT Jhonlin becomes Rp 10.6 billion. Whereas the value of Jhonlin's tax underpayment should have been Rp 63.6 billion.