Central KPI Admits It Failed To Protect Its Employees From Sexual Harassment And Bullying

JAKARTA - The Central Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) admitted that it failed to protect its employees from sexual harassment and bullying in its internal environment.

The confession was conveyed in response to the results of the investigation by the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) into allegations of sexual harassment and bullying experienced by MS, an employee of KPI.

"If it is later stated that we failed to do that (protecting employees, ed) then maybe it can also be stated like that," said KPI Deputy Chairman Mulyo Hadi Purnomo in a press conference that was broadcast online, Tuesday, November 30.

Even so, Mulyo said his party was not just silent. He said the Central KPI had formed an internal investigation team to investigate the allegation.

However, the results were not announced to prevent any presumption of non-objectivity. "Because of that (the results, ed) we completely leave it to the police and also the National Human Rights Commission and the internal investigations carried out by the KPI itself, we convey to the Kominfo, for example or the DPR," he said.

In addition, the Central KPI also ensures that it does not intervene in the current legal process and ensures that victims' recovery is the focus.

"Basically we have carried out several stages, several processes have even included us, for example, helping the recovery process including the treatment that has been carried out by the victim," said Mulyo. experienced harassment and abuse. The unpleasant incident was carried out by his office colleague.

Most recently, Komnas HAM issued the results of the examination and recommendations regarding these allegations. One of the results is that the Central KPI is considered to have failed to create a safe, comfortable, and healthy working atmosphere.

Komnas HAM said that the bullying and harassment experienced by MS often occurred within KPI employees. However, these actions are often considered as ordinary jokes without any follow-up.

In addition, the incident was allegedly experienced by other employees. However, because it was considered part of a joke or joke, no one was ever bothered.