Defeated In The Pilkades Plerean Jember, Incumbent On The Road Block

JEMBER - The incumbent village head who failed to win in the village head election in Plerean Village, Sumberjambe District, Jember, East Java, was desperate to blockade the road. The person admitted that he was emotional because the road was called his family's land.

However, this incident has been mediated. The road that was closed using bamboo has been reopened.

The person with the initials S admitted that he had made a mistake, because at that time he was emotional. Moreover, most of the land whose access road was closed by him was his grandfather's land.

"I admit I made a mistake and apologize to the residents of Plerean Village for what I have done by closing the road access, I did all of that because I was emotional for a moment and I promised I would not do it again," said Alreadyyo, Tuesday, November 30.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Sumberjambe Police, AKP Istono, said that there were two roads that were closed by these individuals. The road is the path to the Pondok Pesantren and also the houses of residents.

"Today we can reopen the bamboo which has closed the road since last Saturday after we conducted mediation with these individuals," said the Sector Police Chief.

According to him, this case occurred because person S claimed the land that became the road belonged to his family. S claimed to be the heir of the owner of the closed land.

Regarding this, his party will conduct a ownership test and suggest that it be reported in a civil manner at the Jember District Court (PN).

"Indeed, regarding the road that was closed, Pak Alreadyyo claimed it was his land. But on the one hand, there were also residents' houses, so we gave understanding to those concerned to report civilly at the Jember District Court, while waiting for the judicial process to run, the road can be accessed by residents," said AKP Istono.

It provides an understanding to the incumbent village head. The police asked the incumbent to be proud of his defeat.

"This success is the success of all parties, not only the Muspika Sumberjambe, but also the people of the Plerean village and moreover the family of person S, who are openly accepting and willing," said the police chief.

For information, this mediation took place at the Plerean Village Hall. A number of law enforcement officials, officials and local villagers attended.