Supporting Halal Product Exports, Ministry Of Finance Integrates Customs System With BPJPH System

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Finance through the National Single Window Institution (LNSW) signed a cooperation agreement with the Halal Product Guarantee Agency (BPJPH), regarding the integration of information systems in the context of recording halal-certified products.

LNSW Secretary Muhamad Lukman said this collaboration is intended so that the halal product industry, as an important part of Indonesia's industrial resilience, can be developed in a structured and progressive manner through codification and integration of export and import product data.

"Later on, the relevant parties will integrate the service computer system used by the customs office in the context of customs supervision and services, the Indonesia National Single Window (SINSW) System organized by LNSW, and the Halal Information System (Sihalal) managed by BPJPH, in the context of recording , notification, and reporting of halal-certified products. The system integration that is carried out is expected to be continuous and interrelated from one process to another," he said in an official statement, Tuesday, November 30.

According to Lukman, this strategy is also expected to encourage the integration and implementation of sharia economic development programs in the government's planning and budgeting mechanism so that it is in line with the 2019-2024 RPJMN and 2022 State Budget.

"What this is doing is the realization of Indonesia's vision as a world halal center, which is expected to open more jobs, improve welfare, and alleviate poverty, which is expected to provide inclusive benefits for the entire community," he said.

Meanwhile, the signing of the agreement was carried out in a series of Plenary Meetings of the National Sharia Economic and Finance Committee (KNEKS) led by the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia Ma'ruf Amin.

"It is hoped that this collaboration can be useful for policy making as well as further studies and research in the halal industry," Lukman concluded.