Caliphate Supporting Groups Still Exist, Minister Of Religion Yaqut Encourages PA GMNI To Become A 'Resistance' Locomotive

JAKARTA - Minister of Religion (Menag) Yaqut C Qoumas advised DPD Alumni Association of the Indonesian National Student Movement (PA GMNI) East Java to always strengthen nationalism from the dangers of ideology that wants to replace Pancasila.

"Now everything must be more concrete and able to ensure that the nationalism and democratic system that we currently adhere to are able to truly answer the needs and more importantly the welfare of the people," Yaqut said virtually as quoted by Antara, Tuesday, November 20.

If this can be done and is successful then the people will certainly not turn to other ideologies or systems.

"Like the caliphate, for example, because until now there are still groups pushing for it to be implemented in Indonesia," he said.

He also invited to work together and work together to ensure that nationalism and democracy, which had actually been contained in Pancasila, the ideology and philosophy of the nation, could truly be applied in the life of the state.

"I am absolutely sure that PA GMNI is capable of being the locomotive for this," he said.

On the same occasion, he congratulated Deni Wicaksono's inauguration as chairman of the East Java GMNI PA DPD for the period 2021-2026 along with a number of administrators.

On the other hand, the Deputy Governor of East Java, Emil Dardak, who also had the opportunity to attend the inauguration, emphasized their readiness to synergize with the East Java GMNI PA in fighting poverty, especially in the local area.

Dardak who is also the chairman of the Indonesian Hajj Brotherhood Association (IPHI) in East Java also mentioned "Mars PA GMNI" that there are important things that must be a common concern, namely, anti-poverty.

"That is our big homework together, about how poverty alleviation can run optimally," he said.