PPKM Level 2 In DKI, Check Out Some Rules Changes If You Want To Enter Mal
JAKARTA - The government has limited the capacity of visitors to malls, shopping centers and trade centers in DKI Jakarta from 100 percent to 50 percent in accordance with the implementation of the second level of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) which will take effect from November 30 to December 13, 2021.
The latest provisions are contained in the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs (Inmendagri) Number 63 of 2021 concerning PPKM Level Three, Two and One monitored in Jakarta, Tuesday 30 November.
In the latest Minister of Home Affairs, the status of PPKM in DKI Jakarta has increased to level two.
With this level increase, one of the community activities at the mall has been adjusted to 50 percent capacity.
Previously, according to Inmendagri Number 60 of 2021 which ended on Monday, the capacity of mall visitors in DKI reached 100 percent during PPKM level one which had been going on for about a month.
Likewise, the operating hours of the previous mall until 22.00 WIB have now become 21.00 WIB.
Children under 12 years old are allowed to enter provided they are accompanied by a parent.
Children's playgrounds and entertainment venues in shopping centers or malls are opened on condition that parents must record their address and telephone number for tracking purposes.
Not only that, managers are required to use the "PeduliLindung" application for inspection of employees and visitors.
Meanwhile, restaurants, cafes or restaurants inside malls or trade centers, shopping centers are allowed to open with health protocols with operating hours until 21.00 WIB.
The capacity of visitors is a maximum of 50 percent with a maximum meal time of 60 minutes and must use the PeduliLindung application.
Under the previous regulation, cafes inside malls were allowed to open at 75 percent capacity with operating hours until 22.00 WIB.