The Importance Of Football Team Players And Staff Know About The Dangers Of Concussion

JAKARTA - UEFA has launched a concussion charter as a further measure to protect players with head injuries.

The charter, drawn up by the UEFA Health Commission, was intended to educate players, coaches, referees, doctors and the public about the dangers of concussion in football.

As part of the charter, clubs and a number of national teams are urged to provide education sessions to players, coaches and staff on concussion procedures.

"A concussion is undoubtedly a serious injury that needs to be properly managed and treated," said Tim Meyer, chairman of the UEFA Medical Committee.

"Although a number of research studies report a low incidence in football, everyone should know how to react and what to do in the event of a concussion on the pitch."

"By signing this charter, clubs and national teams are showing their support for UEFA's concussion campaign and taking a huge step towards helping protect their players."

UEFA launched a concussion awareness campaign in October 2019 and after that members of the International Football Association Board (IFAB) approved trials for concussion replacements until the end of July 2022.