Residents Affected By Floods In Karangtengah And Sukawening Garut Will Receive Compensation From The Government

GARUT - The Government of Garut Regency, West Java promised compensation for residents whose houses and agricultural land were damaged by the flash flood that hit a number of areas in Karangtengah and Sukawening sub-districts.

"Those affected by the flood will receive assistance, now it is being proposed," said Head of the Garut Regency Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Satria Budi at the response post, Sukawening District Office, Antara, Monday, November 29.

He said that the house that was washed away and could not be occupied was only one unit, then those that were flooded would receive financial assistance of Rp. 1 million per house. In addition, residents' houses that suffered minor, moderate, and heavy damage are still being collected to determine the amount of the aid fund.

"Other damaged houses are still being assessed, so it's not arbitrary, I'm afraid that if it's recorded as moderately damaged, but it turns out to be heavy, it's difficult to change it," said Satria.

Garut Regent Rudy Gunawan stated that reports in the field of the flash flood disaster had hit residential areas and damaged agricultural land areas, resulting in farmers not being able to enjoy their agricultural crops.

The local government, he said, has prepared financial assistance for houses that were swept away and those that were heavily or moderately damaged were still being recorded, while those that were only flooded were given Rp. 1 million per house.

"The house that cannot be used is IDR 50 million according to the BNPB limit, but the funds are from the Garut Regional Government, only one in Sukawening District, only one heavily damaged earlier, the heavily damaged will have an 'assessment'," said the Regent.

He added that residents whose agricultural land was damaged would receive assistance of Rp. 4 to Rp. 5 million per hectare to replace the costs of the planting process.

"For the replacement of agricultural land, we calculated earlier, it is usually IDR 4-5 million per hectare to replace the cultivation process," he said.