Kill 5 Residents In A Row In Bunglai Village, South Sumatra, Police Suspected Perpetrators With Mental Disorders

SUMSEL - I don't know what made OT, the man in Bunglai Village, Peninjauan District,

Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU), South Sumatra (South Sumatra) violently killed five people in his village. Currently, the police have arrested the perpetrator.

The murder took place last Friday, November 26 at around 16.30 WIB. The five victims who became victims of the sadistic murder, namely Sari (45), Ikrom (43), Endang, Hendri (33), and Erni (33).

The incident began when the perpetrator left the house and met the first victim named Hendri while hanging out at a local village shop. For no reason, the perpetrator immediately stabbed a sharp knife type weapon indiscriminately into the victim's body until he died at the crime scene (TKP).

After killing the victim, the suspect again stabbed the knife which was still covered in blood at the victim Ikrom, who was passing by on a motorcycle near the crime scene.

After that, the perpetrator went straight to the well and met the third victim, Erni, who was fetching water, then stabbed her sharp weapon again in the victim's abdomen until she died.

"The incident of Erni's murder made her husband Endang leave the house. Unfortunately, the victim was also killed," he said.

After killing Endang, the perpetrator met the fifth victim named Sari, who at that time came out of her house due to hearing a commotion. The perpetrator then embraced the victim Sari and quickly stabbed and injured the victim's neck sadistically to death.

OKU Police Polda South Sumatra have arrested the perpetrator and conducted a psychiatric examination of OT. OT is suspected of having a mental disorder.

"There are many assumptions that say that this perpetrator is a Person with Mental Disorders (ODGJ)," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the OKU Police, AKP Hilal Adi Imawan, in Baturaja, Antara, Monday, November 29.

Therefore, he said, his party will take the perpetrator to the Palembang Mental Hospital to ensure his mental condition.

After the results of the psychiatric examination were issued by the new doctor, the OKU Police determined the next steps towards legal certainty for the suspect.