Police Name 4 Suspects Of Male Beating In Malang

MALANG - Malang City Police have named four people as suspects in the case of beating a teenager in the Merbabu Park area, Oro-Oro Dowo Village, Malang City, East Java. The social incident occurred on November 20, 2021, with the victim being a 23-year-old young man with the initials SW. 22 years old resident of Blimbing Subdistrict, 20 year old resident of Kedungkandag Subdistrict, TAB 21 year old resident of Pakis Subdistrict and FP 17 year old resident of Klojen Subdistrict. some time ago it went viral on social media. Tinton revealed, the chronology of the beatings The incident occurred on Saturday, November 20 at around 21.50 WIB, starting the previous night where the victim and a female colleague with the initials LN were in a cafe in the Malang City area. From the cafe, the victim and LN planned to move to a nightclub. in Malang City. However, at that time the witness LN was unconscious, so the victim SW was brought home.

Then, the next day, witness LN asked for confirmation regarding what happened on Friday night to victim SW. The foreign witness then asked to be picked up by the victim SW to solve the problem. "After arriving at the TKP in Merbabu Park, the witness LN got into the victim's car SW. At that time the victim SW immediately stepped on the gas. hold the handbrake," said Tinton. At that time, at that location there were friends of foreign witnesses who saw the incident. The friends of the foreign witness then went to the victim and beat and beat the victim SW. After receiving a report of a beating incident, members of the Malang Police went straight to the location of the TKP and secured one perpetrator and victim SW. Then, the two were taken to the Malang City Police Station for examination. Not long after, the Malang City Police Opsnal team immediately moved quickly and managed to secure the other three perpetrators. The perpetrators were then taken into custody and taken to the Malang City Police Station for processing in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Article 170 paragraph 2-1e of the Criminal Code (KUHP), carries a maximum prison sentence of seven years.