7 Reasons Strong And Independent Women Doubt Love From Their Partners

JAKARTA – Not infrequently people doubt the feeling of love. The feeling of doubt that arises can be caused by a number of factors. Although there are doubts, it actually takes patience and a strong commitment so that the woman you love feels confident.

Women who doubt the love of their partners, reported by Bolde, Monday, November 29, are strong women. So, know the following reasons so that you understand and take appropriate steps to convince your partner about your love feelings.

1. Avoiding vulnerable positions

Love is a pure feeling that can make a person vulnerable when broken. For a strong and independent woman, doubting love is a reason she has to avoid spanking positions. They, independent women, rely on their own strength to get through life's challenges so it is not easy to trust someone even though they can be relied on.

2. Assuming love is a source of anxiety

That doesn't mean you don't believe in the existence of love. However, women who are strong and independent do not like to be grandiose about love. They generally think love is a source of anxiety and can dilute trust.

3. Want to find the most suitable partner

When a man confesses his love to this woman, he will be silent for a moment and consider many things. Not that she doesn't have feelings, but this woman needs proof. Until the time comes, when he feels confident and fully trusts, doubts about his partner's love will gradually fade away.

4. Need 'space' for yourself

Despite being committed, women often need 'space' for themselves. To fulfill his dreams and ideals as another priority besides romance.

5. Want to give the best

There are so many definitions of love, even everyone can interpret love differently. The reason women doubt love is because they never know for sure what and how they feel for their partner. Actually, when women give attention, be warm, respect, and accept their partners as they are, isn't that love?

6. Have you ever been hurt?

Having been hurt, someone may doubt love. Not only can it be experienced by independent and strong women, someone who has experienced an unpleasant past related to a love relationship, can be a reason to doubt love and need reassurance or need its own process to believe in the feelings of their partner.

7. Want to find the right relationship

The relationship of two people, meaning to unite two heads with different points of view. For women who doubt their partner's feelings, the reason is, they want to find the right relationship pattern. When you start agreeing to a relationship, it means agreeing to negotiate and make a mutual agreement.

That means, when your partner doubts love, talk and exchange opinions about what is right, how to build a bond, and what kind of relationship you want to nurture until it grows and blooms beautifully.