Job Creation Law Offers 8 Benefits To Workers, Former Gerindra Deputy: Delaying Enforcement Is Sabotage Of Economic Growth

JAKARTA - Former Deputy Chairperson of the Gerindra Party Arief Poyuono also responded to the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) which declared the Job Creation Law to be conditionally unconstitutional.

He regretted that the Constitutional Court delayed the enactment of the Job Creation Law. The reason is, in addition to opening up investment and wider employment opportunities, Arief assessed that Law 11/2020 on Job Creation also opens opportunities for workers to turn into creative and independent entrepreneurs.

"A person who was previously only paid based on wages for their labor, now has the choice to enter the world of entrepreneurship, which is supported and protected by the Job Creation Law," said Arief, Monday, November 29.

Because, he continued, workers will have the opportunity from the government to get vocational, capital, business facilities, and an unlimited market.

"They will also find it easier to be creative by maximizing creations and all easily accessible resources, to improve their welfare, rather than just selling labor as laborers," said Arief.

Arief describes 8 benefits for workers. Among other things, providing assurance of bonuses up to overtime hours, guarantees for layoff victims, rights to menstruation and maternity leave are not removed, opening up employment opportunities, severance pay for permanent workers which is the highest in the world, free halal certification for MSMEs, convenience in obtaining permits for MSME actors, and guarantees for protection. law.

Arief explained that the Job Creation Law was a simplification of land licensing, investment requirements, employment, convenience and protection of MSMEs, ease of doing business, research and innovation support, government administration, imposition of sanctions, land control, facilitation of government projects and Special Economic Zones (SEZ).

Where, said Arief, everything aims to encourage massive national economic growth from the entrepreneurial level to private and state corporations.

"Delaying the enactment of the Job Creation Law is sabotage of economic growth. This sabotage not only thwarts the rise of Indonesia as a nation but ruthlessly continues the oppression and exploitation of humans as laborers," said Arief.