Relocation Of Residents Affected By MotoGP Circuit Targeted To Be Completed In 2022

PRAYA - The Central Lombok Regency Government, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) said the construction of a special house for the residents of Ujung Hamlet, Kuta Village, which was affected by the construction of the International Mandalika Circuit, was targeted to be completed in 2022.

"The special housing program from the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) has begun," said Head of the Central Lombok Regency Housing and Settlement Service (Perkim), Lalu Alfian di Praya, quoted by Antara, Monday, November 29.

He said the 120 special houses were built in Ngolang Hamlet, Kuta Village, Pujut District, with a land area of about 2 hectares.

"The construction site has no problems and is ready," he said.

The special housing program for residents whose houses are affected by the construction of the Mandalika Circuit, which has successfully held the Asian Talent Cup and World Superbike 2021 events, will be equipped with several public facilities such as places of worship and road access to the housing.

"The building concept is like housing," he said.

Then Alfian also said that the work on the housing program for residents affected by the relocation of the Circuit construction was handled directly by the Ministry of PUPR. The contract for the project is carried out on a multi-year basis and is planned to be completed in 2022.

"The design of the special house is also handled directly by PUPR. Hopefully next year residents will be able to occupy the house," he said.

The Pertamina Mandalika Circuit with a length of 4.3 kilometers with 17 corners will host the MotoGP event in March 2022. In addition, the circuit in the Special Economic Zone (KEK) tourism destination The Mandalika will again host the IATC and WSBK 2022 races.