Tomorrow Police Hold Case For Mercedes-Benz Accident, Driver Suspected Of Negligence

JAKARTA - The police will file a case related to the legal status of the Mercedes-Benz E300 or Mercy driver who hit another vehicle while traveling in the opposite direction on the Cikunir Toll Road. The case will be held tomorrow.

"So maybe tomorrow (Tuesday, November 30) we will hold a case with Eastern investigators and then determine the suspect," said Head of Sub-Directorate for Gakkum Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya AKBP Argo Wiyono to reporters, Monday, November 29.

In the case of this accident, the driver with the initials MSD was suspected of being negligent. The element of negligence is contained in Article 310 paragraph 1 of the Road Transport Traffic Act (LLAJ).

"So it should be suspected that the person concerned violated Article 310 paragraph 1 of the UULAJ," said Argo.

Meanwhile, in the afternoon, it will carry out reconstruction. The results of the reconstruction will be taken into consideration in the case for the determination of the suspect.

"How many speed meters will be reconstructed this afternoon on the toll road from East Jakarta investigators and accompanied by the Gakkum sub-directorate will be reconstructed and from there it will only be explained how many meters and at what speed," continued Argo.

For information, the driver of the Mercedes-Benz E300 or Mercy sedan drives recklessly on the Jakarta Outer Ring Road (JORR) KM 53,600 or at the Cikunir toll exit, on Saturday, November 27.

The results of the temporary investigation, the driver known to have the initials MSD suffers from dementia. Therefore can not concentrate when driving.

As a result of the accident, the driver crashed into two other vehicles. The damage caused is quite severe.