Kemenpan-RB Prepares to Disband 13 State Institutions

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform (Kemenpan-RB) is preparing to dissolve 13 state institutions. The disbandment is the continuation of what President Joko Widodo's (Jokowi) did some times ago. The president abolished 18 Institutions/Agencies/Commissions/Committees in the context of the economy. 

"Now we are preparing more or less 13 Agencies/Institutions/Commissions that must be removed. They are overlapping and unproductive," said Tjahjo in an online seminar, reported by Antara. The seminar is called "Maintaining the Neutrality of ASNs in the 2020 Pilkada", Jakarta, Monday, August 10.

Kemenpan-RB also recommends the elimination of several Institutions/Agencies/Commissions established through law.

"However, this certainly requires a process and time. Because they must first consult with the Indonesian Parliament," he said.

Previously, President Jokowi had disbanded 18 work teams, agencies, and committees whose establishment was based on a presidential decree (Keppres). The disbandment was through Presidential Decree Number 82 of 2020 concerning the Committee for COVID-19 Handling and National Economic Recovery (PEN).

Of the 18 institutions, 13 of them are not included in the category of non-structural institutions. The other four are non-structural institutions. The other is a non-structural institution that was dissolved in 2014. Namely, the Inter-Departmental Committee for Forestry.

The PAN-RB Ministry and the State Secretariat continue to make a list of impractical institutions.

Initially, there were 96 institutions or commissions that were being reviewed by the Ministry of Pan-RB. Either formed by law or by government decrees. These institutions are proposed to the State Secretariat to be dissolved.

On July 21, 2020, Tjahjo also said that there were institutions that would be merged into the ministry. It would later be adjusted to the classification of the functions and duties of the institution.

For example, research-related institutions could be combined under the Ministry of Research and Technology.

"With the Ministry of Research and Technology, there will certainly be many institutions that will be merged. For example, LIPI (Indonesian Institute of Sciences), Batan (National Nuclear Energy Agency), institutions or laboratories in universities will also be integrated," said Tjahjo.