Chelsea Islan Campaigns 16 Days Against Violence Against Women

JAKARTA - UNDP Indonesia SDG Mover Chelsea Islan, together with Taekwondo athlete Defia Rosmaniar, invites the younger generation to be more concerned about cases of violence against women in the 16 Days of Anti-Violence Against Women (HAKTP) campaign. "The case of violence against women is another form of pandemic that should concern us, especially the younger generation. Silence is not an option because silence is a betrayal," Chelsea said in an official broadcast reported by Antara. , Sunday, November 28.​ Throughout 2021, there were nearly 300,000 cases of violence recorded in Indonesia. During the COVID-19 pandemic, cases of violence were at a critical point, especially violence in the domestic sphere. Chelsea and Defia also invited all components of society to be actively involved in protecting and creating a sense of security for women, as well as girls, both in public and private spaces. in the domestic sphere. "Currently we have a reporting line that is connected to parties who can provide assistance when violence occurs," Defia.

UNDP Indonesia, through Project RESTORE throughout the pandemic, has supported parties involved in reporting and handling cases of violence against women. Nationally, UNDP Indonesia is collaborating with the police, the Integrated Service Center for the Empowerment of Women and Children (P2TP2A), and several houses. referral hospitals in improving reporting procedures and handling cases that are increasingly integrated and in favor of the complainant and the victim. Throughout 2021, improvements in the flow of case handling that are more inclusive of persons with disabilities have also been successfully implemented. cases of violence against women, one of which is through the reporting channel of the SAPA Post (Friends of Women and Children). The SAPA Post is an extension of the DKI Jakarta Child Protection and Population Control Empowerment Service (DPPAPP) and P2TP2A. The SAPA Post has been integrated with public facilities such as transportation facilities in TransJakarta and MRT, in higher education facilities, namely universities and community facilities at the RPTRA. Through this integration, the public can feel more secure with a reporting system that is responsive when violence occurs in the public and private spheres.