Gunungkidul Health Office Notes: There Are 21 Confirmed Cases Of COVID-19 From Face-to-face Learning

JAKARTA - The Gunungkidul District Health Office, Yogyakarta Special Region, noted that there were an addition of 21 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 from the screening results for high school students who held face-to-face learning (PTM). -19 students for two days, namely Saturday, November 27 with 20 cases and Sunday, November 28 there was one new case. "This confirmed case of COVID-19 is the result of a random swab test for high school students who hold face-to-face learning," said Dewi Antara, Sunday, November 28. He said all the students who were confirmed positive had been vaccinated. However, details were not provided on whether they had received the complete vaccine or only one dose.
Dewi said that all students who were confirmed positive were asymptomatic (OTG). According to the handling procedure, OTG cases are simply directed to undergo independent isolation (isoman). The Education, Youth and Sports Office (Disdikpora) to the Gunungkidul Secondary Education Center. The Health Office has also provided recommendations, including asking PTM activities to be temporarily suspended in schools where positive COVID-19 confirmed cases were found. in order to apply strict health protocols (prokes) during PTM," said Dewi. She also said that in the near future, the Health Office would conduct random swab tests at the elementary and junior high school levels that conduct PTM. " he said. Secretary of the Gunungkidul Disdikpora Kiswara stated that he was still waiting for a random swab test schedule from the Dinke s, especially for elementary-junior high school levels. "This swab test is to find out to what extent PTM has an impact on the addition of COVID-19 cases as well as a benchmark for the preparedness of the COVID-19 task force at the school level," he said.