Pasuruan Ready To Welcome Kosmepack Investment Owned By Crazy Rich Malang Gilang Widya Pramana

JAKARTA - The improvement in the economy when the number of COVID-19 sufferers has fallen is also felt in the regions. In Pasuruan Regency, which is known as one of the industrial heartlands in East Java on a national scale, also welcomes the arrival of investors.

"Investment from the center to the regions is very supportive of the economy in Pasuruan Regency. We as academics and elements of the community here are very proud that the national economy has risen from where we are," said Khoirul Huda, Vice Chancellor III of Yudharta Pasuruan University in his press statement, Saturday, November 27.

For this reason, he welcomes one of J99's business units, namely PT Kosmetika Global Printing and Packaging (Kosmepack) to be present in Pasuruan Regency. Because if this is realized, it will certainly have a positive impact on the people of Pasuruan who are one of the backbones of industry in East Java.

"Of course this can be a blessing for Pasuruan Regency so that the economy continues to rise after being hit by the COVID-19 storm in early 2020. In theory, if an investment is invested in one place, it will not only have an impact on local residents, but the domino effect will positively increase," he explained. .

Khoirul Huda, who is also an observer of the Pasuruan Regency community, assessed that the investment in his area had contributed to increasing Regional Original Income (PAD), as well as residents directly through economic activities there. Especially with J99's business which has spread in various cities, of course he hopes that his area can be seen.

"I heard that the investment is worth tens of billions in Kosmepack, of course this is a labor-intensive industry that we must guard so that investors remain comfortable here in order to have a positive impact on the residents of Pasuruan district," he said.

He gave an example, if an investment is established there, in addition to the many local people who work there, several complementary businesses will emerge, ranging from stalls, shops, laundry, boarding houses and others.

"In the Sukorejo-Pandaan area, for example, Pasuruan Regency is quite proud because this area is one of the heart of the economy here because various billion industries are here. Later when Kosmepack is here, we will be proud that our home is a comfortable place for investors," he said.

He said that in the area, the existing industry was not only national, but international. Starting from drinking water factories, food, convection, manufacturing with investment values reaching billions of rupiah.

Of course, all investments carried out in the area prioritize local residents as workers. For this reason, he and elements of the Pasuruan Regency community hope that anyone will be able to maintain the conduciveness of investment in the area.

Agus Prianto, Head of the Public Adm Study Program at the University of Yudharta Pasuruan and also a Candidate for Doctor of Public Policy, Universitas Brawijaya Malang. Through his press statement, he said that investing in Pasuruan district would not be complicated by any party. Because actually from investors, of course, the macro economy is advancing after a period of suspended animation due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

"When I heard that during the COVID-19 pandemic, many companies in Pasuruan Regency had laid off workers, I was of course very sad. What about the fate of their families, what about the fate of traders who depend on their economy from factory workers? Of course we hope that Kosmepack will continue to do business in Pasuruan Regency. so that the economy of Pasuruan district residents can bounce back," he added.

As is known, Gilang Widya Pramana, as the owner of J99 some time ago said that his party would disburse tens of billions of funds for the development of various business units, one of which was in Pasuruan Regency. Besides having factories in Surabaya, Malang and Cikarang, he mentioned Pasuruan as one of the areas that was nominated for the development of his business unit.

"We are ready to invest in areas that are friendly to investors, of course with security guarantees, ease of licensing and others. We believe good cooperation between investors and related officials is the key to improving Indonesia's macro economy in accordance with what the government expects," said Gilang Sambal. by 2022 he is ready to hit the ground running with several tens of billions worth of investments in other cities in Indonesia.