These Are 4 Ways To Prevent Premature Birth To Avoid Stunting In Children
JAKARTA - Stunting is a condition in which a child's height is shorter than the height of children his age. Recently, the issue of stunting began to spread in Indonesia, so President Jokowi appointed Hasto Wardoyo as head of the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) to reduce stunting rates.
Often ignored, it turns out that stunting can also have an impact on the condition of children as they grow. One of the factors that cause stunting is the birth of babies prematurely.
Premature birth is also caused by several factors, such as poor nutrition of the mother, having a history of repeated abortions, and behaviors or habits such as smoking and consuming alcohol.
According to dr. Ari Kusuma Januarto, SpOG, said that the risk of stunting can be reduced by reducing premature births. There are several ways that mothers-to-be can avoid these effects.
Family supportA person who is pregnant must receive support from the family starting from adequate nutrition and hygiene. In addition, living in a clean and decent environment and having health insurance is no less important.
Nutritional NeedsSince pregnancy, a mother must meet the nutritional needs of the child. Thus the food consumed is food that contains nutrients and is balanced according to the doctor's advice.
Avoid eating foods that cook instantaneously and also junk food.
Periodic ControlPiprim Basarah Yanuarso, Central Executive of the Indonesian Pediatrician Association, explained that basically stunting has been seen since childhood.
“We can see this stunting since we were babies. Stunting must be short but short is not necessarily called stunting,” said Piprim on Saturday, November 27. To find out whether a child can remember being stunted or not eating, periodic examinations need to be carried out at the posyandu or hospital.
Access to Quality HealthNot only that, access to qualified health is believed to prevent stunting in children. Like the previous point, checking a child's condition to the hospital is a routine thing to do.
In this way, the community can prevent their children from experiencing stunting and can grow up like other children.