PBNU Chairman: Rais Aam's Order On Accelerating The NU Congress Must Be Implemented

JAKARTA - Chairman of PBNU Umarsyah said that Rais Aam PBNU's order KH Miftachul Ahyar for the 34th NU Congress to be pushed forward on December 17, 2021 must be carried out.

"I have read the warrant. The committee has no choice but to be ready to secure and carry out Rais Aam's order," Umarsyah said, quoted by Antara, Friday, November 26.

According to Umarsyah, who is also the deputy chairman of the congress committee, Rais Aam's order must receive serious, respectful and serious attention from all NU administrators at all levels, from the center to the branches.

"The order is not to be used as a matter of debate, especially by NU administrators. We must obey the principles according to the AD/ART," he said.

According to Umarsyah, the decision that has been taken by Rais Aam must be addressed properly as the holder of the highest command of NU.

For this reason, he continued, PBNU needs to immediately take steps to carry out all of Rais Aam's orders regarding the holding of the congress on December 17.

According to him, the order is a form of wisdom from Rais Aam in responding to the government's decision to raise the status of PPKM to level 3 nationally, from December 24, 2021 to January 2, 2022.

Umarsyah admitted that he had contacted the local congress committee in Lampung to inquire about the readiness to hold the congress.

"I am an NU cadre from Lampung. I have contacted the Chair of the PWNU Lampung, Prof. Dr. Mohammad Mukri as the chairman of the local committee. He said that the committee is ready to hold the December 17 congress," he said.