Good News For Low-Income Communities In Kalimantan, Ministry Of PUPR Boosts One Million Houses Program In There

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) is boosting housing development in the Kalimantan region through the One Million Houses program, especially for low-income people (MBR) to boost the economy of the people in Kalimantan. We also continue to strive so that the construction of houses for the people in Kalimantan can be carried out properly," said Head of the Central Kalimantan II Housing Provision Agency, Directorate General of Housing, Ministry of PUPR, H Hujurat, in a release in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Friday, November 26. Moreover, Hujurat reminded that during the current pandemic, housing conditions that are livable are considered to have become a basic need for the community. and mind, be proper housing in a safe, healthy, harmonious, and sustainable environment. This, he added, was later emphasized through Law Number 1 of 2011 concerning Housing and Settlement Areas which explained that the house is one of the basic needs of every human being which the Government and/or or the Regional Government is obliged to provide easy access to development and the acquisition of decent houses for all people, especially MBR.

The One Million Houses Program, he continued, has been running for 6 years since it was launched on April 29, 2015 by President Joko Widodo. The President also launched the One Million Houses Program as one of the National Strategic Projects. Furthermore, Hujurat explained, Balai P2P Kalimantan II has three Housing Provision Work Units in three provinces, namely East Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, and North Kalimantan. which have been implemented by the Implementing Center for the Provision of Housing Provision for Kalimantan II 2021 as of October 2021, among others, in East Kalimantan Province totaling 10,674 units (MBR 9,599 units and Non-MBR houses 1,075 units). North Kalimantan Province totaled 2,886 units (MBR 2,232 units and Non MBR 581 units). Furthermore, in South Kalimantan Province, there are 16,001 units (MBR 15,370 units and Non MBR 631 units). In relation to efforts to accelerate housing development, previously the Association of Indonesian Real Estate Property Entrepreneurs (REI) assessed that the trend of property sector growth which continues to increase is currently necessary. supported by government incentives considering that the sector has a multiplier effect that will help accelerate the national economic recovery. REI DPP Secretary General Amran Nukman in his statement in Jakarta, Tuesday said the government-borne value added tax (PPN DTP) incentive has boosted demand for housing loans (KPR). quite significant until the third quarter of 2021. But unfortunately, the housing VAT incentive will end this year. REI proposed that the housing VAT incentive could be extended until 2022. "We are currently trying to lobby. Hopefully it can be extended until December next year, not for another month," Amran said. and new apartment housing units. Tax discount incentives in the form of VAT DTP facilities are given 100 percent for houses or units with a maximum selling price of IDR 2 billion and 50 percent for homes or units with selling prices above IDR 2 billion to IDR 5 billion.