KSP Gives Deadline For Completion Of Land Access Makassar New Port
MAKASSAR - The Presidential Staff Office has given a deadline for completing the land acquisition for the Makassar New Port (MNP) access road in December this year.
"It is impossible or not, the groundbreaking must be held this December. We propose December 28 with the condition that the land is clean and clear," said Deputy I Chief of Presidential Staff Febry Calvin Tetelepta in a coordination meeting at the Pelindo office, Makassar, quoted by Antara, Friday, 26 November.
Febry emphasized the need for fast work to catch up with the delays in achieving the targets that had piled up. Febry emphasized that the land acquisition stage is a crucial starting point in the success of development.
Responding to the statement of Deputy I KSP, Head of PMO Investment Arwin stated that his party had gone to the field to carry out land measurements on November 23, 2021. This step was the result of a coordination meeting held by KSP four days earlier.
“The domino effect has resulted in an acceleration related to land acquisition, which was previously very slow. Thank God it was finished in 3 days," said Arwin.
He conveyed that the acceleration of land measurement had completed the mapping of 146 plots to become the land acquisition area for this access road. After that, this week the list of nominative recipients of compensation money will be finalized.
Meanwhile, Head of the South Sulawesi BPN Regional Office, Bambang Priono, emphasized that this extraordinary acceleration was supported by the maximum mobilization of human resources from the Regional Office and Land Office.
“During my 38 years of career, this is the first time the land acquisition process has been super fast. We really appreciate the assistance from KSP and the Regional Government so that during public consultations and measurements, the situation is conducive on the ground," he explained.
Bambang said other details related to field maps and route transfer, Detailed Engineering Design, as well as administrative preparations for payment of compensation will be completed this week while PT. Pelindo is preparing to disburse compensation money with Bank Mandiri so that there is no too long lag between the determination of the nominative list and the realization of the disbursement.
The plan is that on December 13-17, 2021, the payment of compensation has been completed after the nominative list of recipients of compensation money and changes to the boundary map that accommodates the transfer of the area of the mosque affected by the plan to build an access road.
Meanwhile, when closing the meeting, Febry made a note, "The Milestone that we have formed this time is very good and fast, don't lower the standard anymore. Communication with the community and changing planting and growing are considered. Don't miss anything else."
The official meeting of the Presidential Staff Office was also attended by all Forkopimda of South Sulawesi and Makassar City in addition to representatives of the Ministry of PUPR, and Toll Road Business Entities (BUJT) in order to improve connectivity to MNP which was designated as a national strategic project through Presidential Regulation no. 109/2020.