Kemenkominfo: Threats Of Hoax And Disinformation Still Overshadowing Indonesia's Young Generation
JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemenkominfo) Dedy Permadi stated that efforts to deal with COVID-19 are currently still being disrupted by various hoaxes regarding the pandemic, which attack various young and old people.
"On November 20, 2021, Indonesia commemorated World Children's Day, which was established in 1954, to improve the welfare of children around the world. However, the threat of hoaxes and disinformation still haunts children, including in Indonesia," said Dedy. in a statement quoted by VOI, Friday, November 26.
Based on a UNICEF analysis in 2021, Dedy referred to a study in Germany in 2020, which reported that 76 percent of the approximately 2,000 children aged 14 to 24 years were exposed to misinformation or disinformation at least once a week.
Another survey by UNICEF in 10 countries in 2019, found that 3 out of 4 of the more than 14 thousand youth respondents surveyed were unable to determine the veracity of the information received. In addition, in the same report, it was found that the spread of misinformation, disinformation by students in Indonesia was carried out with the motivation to please themselves or for no particular reason.
"This condition must be a common concern. Of course we don't want our young generation to continue to be threatened with hoaxes and disinformation, even to participate in spreading hoaxes and disinformation. Until now, the spread of hoaxes is still worrying. Hoax and disinformation are still found on various social media , said Deddy.
Dedy explained, since January 2020, until November 25, 2021, the Ministry of Communication and Information has identified various hoaxes and disinformation.
Hoaxes about COVID-19, as many as 1,999 hoax issues have been found in 5,162 social media uploads, with the most distribution on the Facebook platform with 4,463 uploads. Now Dedy said that access had been cut off for 5031 COVID-19 hoax uploads and 131 other uploads were in the process of being followed up.
Meanwhile, hoaxes about COVID-19 vaccinations have been found as many as 395 issues in 2,449 social media uploads, with the largest distribution on Facebook with 2,257 uploads. Access has been terminated for 2,449 uploads.
While hoaxes about PPKM, 48 issues have been found in 1,194 social media uploads with the most distribution on Facebook with 1,176 uploads. Access was terminated for 1,038 uploads and 156 other uploads are being followed up.
"When compared to last week, this week the increase in hoax issues and the distribution of hoax content on social media did not exceed the number last week," said Dedy.
Dedy explained that this week's hoax about COVID-19 had eight additional issues and 31 hoax uploads. In the previous week, the number of COVID-19 hoax issues increased by eight issues and 32 hoax uploads.
Furthermore, this week's COVID-19 vaccination hoax issue has added five issues and 24 hoax uploads. In the previous week, the number of hoaxes regarding the COVID-19 vaccination was increased by eight issues and 27 hoax uploads.
There was no increase in the PPKM hoax issue this week, but there was an increase in uploads of 27 hoax uploads. In the previous week, there was also no increase in PPKM hoax issues, but there was an increase in content of 27 hoax uploads. Overall, this week there were a total of 13 additional issues in 82 COVID-19 hoax uploads, COVID-19 vaccinations, and PPKM, where last week, there were a total of 16 additional issues in 86 hoax uploads.
Please note, the 16 hoax issues include the FBI's arrest of the CEO of Pfizer for fraud and falsification of vaccine data, the World Doctors Alliance stating that the delta variant (India) does not exist, there is an Austrian MP who died from the COVID-19 vaccine, Pfizer claims it is used to track humans. around the world, and about detox baths with a mixture of baking soda, Epsom salt, borax, and bentonite clay can eliminate the content of the COVID-19 vaccine.
"Like COVID-19 we must continue to fight, we must prevent the spread of hoaxes. Together we protect the younger generation for a better future, are protected from COVID-19, and grow into a generation that is smart in dealing with hoaxes," said Dedy.