Interview: Who Is Hadi Pranoto And How He Responds To The Challenges Of Clinical Trial Of Herbal Medicine For COVID-19

BOGOR - When visited by the VOI team at a hotel in the city of Bogor, August 4, Hadi Pranoto answered the controversy that claimed his findings were labeled a lie. He is considered to violate science (pseudo science). Our conversation with Hadi Pranoto focused on discussing who he is, how he produces COVID-19 antibodies which are claimed to have cured thousands of COVID-19 positive patients, to what is behind his movement.

"Oh, no. I am not a graduate of IPB and I never went to IPB,"

Hadi Pranoto

Hadi Pranoto denied reports that he was a graduate of the Bogor Agricultural University (IPB). There was misinformation. At IPB, we can indeed meet the name Hadi Pranoto as a campus graduate. However, Hadi Pranoto was different.

When we asked about his background, including where he had pursued higher education, Hadi Pranoto did not answer. "I don't have one, I don't want to declare who was. The important thing is I concern that this herb can be used by our brothers and sisters."

Even so, Hadi Pranoto said that the herbal products he found had received permission from the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM). Hadi Pranoto invited the authorities to jointly carry out further research and clinical trials of their findings. This is at the same time a challenge to prove the truth related to Hadi Pranoto's polemic of the herbal medicine to cure COVID-19.

According to Hadi Pranoto, no one can delegitimize whether or not the findings are correct except scientific research and clinical trials. Including a police report made by Cyber Indonesia on his behalf to the Polda Metro Jaya dated 3 August. Hadi admitted that he was ready to prove it as long as his domain was scientific research and open clinical trials in front of the public and the law.

"It's okay, differences of opinion are normal, so far it's safe ... If we do a clinical trial by our own institution, we certainly won't be acknowledged. Therefore, to those who can legally legitimize clinical trials, let's do it together. "

Hadi Pranoto and his reasons for speaking

Hadi Pranoto said that his nationalism was moved. He wants to benefit the nation. To us, Hadi Pranoto said that public health rights were not being fulfilled in the midst of a pandemic. Especially about the COVID-19 test which according to Hadi Pranoto should be held free of charge. Moreover, currently the country has categorized a pandemic as a national disaster. The vital role of the state is the key.

To us, Hadi Pranoto also mentioned funding his team's research which was carried out independently and independently. He did not specify the amount of funds or parties involved, including the number of research teams he had. What is clear, he said, all the ingredients collected by his team came from the islands of Java, Sumatra and Kalimantan.

Hadi Pranoto when interviewed by VOI (Ramdan Febrian / VOI)

Furthermore, Hadi Pranoto clarified the statement of the Minister of Research and Technology (Menristek) Bambang Brodjonegoro who said that none of Wisma Atlet's patients had consumed Hadi Pranoto's herbal products, as Hadi Pranoto said. According to Hadi Pranoto, the products are not supplied through institutions to institutions, but through individuals.

However, when asked what kind of individual and how he brought him to the Athlete's House, Hadi Pranoto again did not explain. Even so, Hadi Pranoto admitted that he had been contacted by one of the professors at the Ministry of Research and Technology (Kemenristek) to collaborate in clinical trials that were carried out in the future. However, as before, Hadi Pranoto did not specify when and how the details.

"We hope that with the existing natural wealth we can get generosity and convenience. For people who cannot afford it, it is hoped that those who are rich will have the awareness to actually help each other without being set a certain number."

Hadi Pranoto

Hadi Pranoto even stated that he was ready to submit all the research results his team had carried out to government authorities. Then, what happens when the state finally recognizes and supports the research results? Hadi Pranoto revealed his big dream. "I will donate what I produced. 300 million bottles I will donate," he said.

When asked how to obtain the products produced, Hadi Pranoto stated that the products have been distributed to thousands of people in Bogor. Hadi Pranoto said, people can get the medicine directly through him.

Actually, a polemic like that involving Hadi Pranoto had occurred in the 80s, when Doctor Sebi made a scene in the United States medical world through the discovery of herbal medicines that cure herpes, leukemia, and AIDS. Doctor Sebi who was sued by the Food Drugs Commission (FDC) - the authority agency that plays the role of drug and food control in the United States - managed to answer doubts in court.

Challenged with evidence by witnesses who had consumed his herbal medicine, he even managed to present 70 witnesses, when the court only asked for one witness. Doctor Sebi managed to answer in clinical trials and was found not guilty after the drug he discovered was tested in a laboratory in Lancaster.

Then, what about Hadi Pranoto? In the case of Hadi Pranoto, proof is still far away. What is clear, clinical trials and scientific research must be carried out immediately to reach the truth, not a statement of authority let alone public opinion. After all, shouldn't all possibilities be pursued?