Rais Aam Orders NU Congress To Be Sped Up To December 17, Gus Ipul: Everyone Must Obey

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Nadhlatul Ulama Executive Board, Saifullah Yusuf alias Gus Ipul, said that Rais Aam PBNU KH Miftachul Akhyar issued an order related to the NU Congress. In the letter, Rais Aam ordered the committee to prepare to hold the 34th NU Congress on December 17, 2021.

Gus Ipul stated that this order became the basis and footing for PBNU through the steering committee and the executive committee to accelerate the implementation of the congress from a previously determined date.

"All parties must comply with Rais Aam's decision as PBNU's highest command holder," said Gus Ipul in a written statement in Jakarta, Friday, November 26.

He revealed, Rais Aam's warrant did not appear suddenly, but there were causes and events that preceded it.

“This warrant has a background, it's not conclusive. That's why I said that PBNU was not doing well," said Gus Ipul.

Gus Ipul explained that before the order was made, there had been a meeting schedule to address the status of the implementation of Level III community activity restrictions (PPKM) for the period from December 24, 2021 to January 2, 2022, nationally.

This was done considering that the 34th NU Congress was previously scheduled to take place on 23-25 December 2021 in Lampung.

Therefore, Rais Aam KH Miftachul Ahyar, Katib Aam KH Yahya Cholil Staquf, General Chairperson of PBNU KH Said Aqil Siroj, and PBNU Secretary General A Helmy Faishal agreed to hold a meeting on Wednesday, November 24.

Because a decision could not be made that day, known as a deadlock, said Gus Ipul, the secretary general asked for the meeting to be postponed and it could be continued on Thursday, November 25.

"So, Wednesday's meeting was over. Apparently no agreement was found to advance the congress. The reason is the committee's readiness," said Gus Ipul.

On Thursday, continued Gus Ipul, Rais Aam and Katib Aam came back to continue the pending meeting. However, until the afternoon, the chairman of the committee, general chairman, and secretary general did not appear.

Because there is no clarity regarding the presence of the general chairman, secretary general, and the chairman of the committee, continued Gus Ipul, Rais Aam decided to issue a warrant.

"Thursday's meeting should have started at noon, but let alone the chairman of the committee, even the general chairman and secretary general did not appear. This is what I say that PBNU is not doing well," he explained.