The DPRD Investigation Will Miscoordinate The DKI Jakarta Education And Culture Center For The Colosseum Discotheque

JAKARTA - Commission B of the DKI DPRD has summoned the ranks of the DKI Tourism and Culture Office (Disparbud) regarding the chaos of revoking the 2019 Adikarya Wisata award for the discotheque category to the Jakarta Colosseum.

Chairman of Commission B DPRD DKI Abdul Aziz said that his party wanted to know how the award process was, from the initial assessment to the coronation. Moreover, it turned out that it was only recently discovered that there were findings of positive drug Colosseum visitors from the DKI Provincial National Narcotics Agency (BNNP).

Aziz wants to know the economic impact of giving awards to entertainment entrepreneurs in Jakarta. If it is true that there is potential for large-scale profits to be obtained by entrepreneurs, the DPRD is concerned that this process will be fraudulent.

"For example, this award has a big economic impact on the awardee, of course this is prone to fraud," said Abdul before opening the meeting at the DPRD Building, Central Jakarta, Monday, December 23.

Commission B, said Aziz, would also like to remind SKPD, whoever the person is, not to play games in a policy because the impact will be on many people, especially DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan.

"Like now, the governor is being bullied on social media because he is in charge of government in DKI. Not only the governor, but commission B is also being questioned by the community, even though we were not involved in such an award," he said.

Plt Disparbud DKI Sri Haryati (Diah Ayu Wardani / VOI)

Disparbud miscoordination acknowledgment

In a meeting of Commission B, Plt Disparbud DKI Sri Haryati was questioned by a number of DPRD members because his staff passed the Colosseum as the recipient of the award.

Sri admitted that there was a coordination error in the ranks of Disparbud. Based on the results of a joint investigation by the DKI Inspectorate, it turns out that the Head of the Tourism Industry, Disparbud DKI, Toni Bako, has issued a warning letter to the Colosseum since October 16.

The warning letter was motivated by the results of the BNNP raids last September which stated that several visitors to the Colosseum were proven to have used drugs. The proof is based on urine examination.

Unfortunately, the warning letter was not conveyed to the judges who assessed the Adikarya Wisata award. Therefore, given the existence of this letter, the Colosseum may not be the winner of the Adikarya Wisata award in the discotheque category.

"We admit that in the tourism office there was miscoordination. Indeed, there was a letter of warning against the tourism industry (Colosseum), but the warning letter was not given to the awarding assessment team," said Sri.

After the meeting, Head of the Tourism Industry Division of the Jakarta Disparbud, Toni Bako, was silent when he was asked to confirm an error in the coordination of the Disparbud ranks.

"Later, yes, this is still a process. Later, please," he replied briefly.

Given the meeting today has not yielded clear results. Commission B of the DKI DPRD will hold a follow-up meeting on Monday, January 6, 2020. The DPRD will again summon the DKI Disparbud, and present the DKI BNNP ranks to be asked for clarification.