These Are The Forms And Models Of Zero-Click Malware Attacks You Need To Know

JAKARTA – For internet users, they must remain extra vigilant when clicking on links and email attachments. This is to be aware of cyber attacks that start from just clicking on a link.

Unfortunately, even this method is currently unable to make computer users safe. Because today's cyber attacks are very varied and dangerous, even without bait for link clicks. These zero-click attacks infiltrate devices and systems without warning or any aspect of human interaction. This makes such cyberattacks very difficult to detect and defend against.

As the name suggests, zero-click attacks occur with "zero mouse clicks", keystrokes, or user interaction. Hackers mostly direct these attacks to abuse existing vulnerabilities in messaging software or applications. Sometimes hackers sell these vulnerabilities on the black market, or companies will offer huge rewards to those who find them.

Clickless attacks are a favorite with attackers because they don't require social engineering tactics to persuade victims to click on malicious links or attachments. They also don't demand user interaction with victims, making it very difficult to track down attackers.

Clickless attacks mostly target apps that provide messaging or voice calling capabilities, such as WhatsApp or iMessage, because these services receive and parse data from unknown sources.

Hackers specifically create a piece of data such as a hidden text message, email, voicemail, or image file and send it to the target device over a wireless connection using Wi-Fi, NFC, Bluetooth, GSM, or LTE. This data transfer then triggers unknown vulnerabilities at the hardware or software level.

Clickless attacks are notorious for targeting iPhones and iPads, and the vulnerability has been around since September 2012, when Apple first released the iPhone 5 with iOS 6.

The clickless attack is very sophisticated. Advanced and well-funded hackers can develop them without leaving a trace, This makes them even more dangerous. A no-click email attack, for example, can copy an entire inbox before deleting itself.

Clickless attacks also take security threats to a whole new level. Here are some reasons why zero-click attacks are so much deadlier than mainstream cyber attacks according to makeuseof.

Clickless attacks do not require victims to click links, download attachments, or find websites that contain malware. Everything happens behind the scenes, and the user is completely unaware of it. Attackers don't have to waste time setting up elaborate traps or baits to lure victims into doing their job. This accelerates the proliferation of clickless attacks. Clickless attacks install tracking tools or spyware that are specifically targeted at the victim's device by sending a message to the user's phone that does not generate a notification. Users don't even need to touch their phone to initiate the infection from the attack. These attacks mostly target people with power or knowledge of cybersecurity, as attackers cannot trick them into clicking on malicious links. The clickless attack leaves no traces or indicators of any compromise. Clickless attacks use the most advanced hacking techniques that can bypass any endpoint security, antivirus or firewall system.

In addition to the reasons mentioned above, zero-click attacks thrive on the ever-increasing consumption of mobile devices by taking advantage of network coverage, Wi-Fi vulnerabilities, and availability of valuable data.

Apart from deception, these attacks are also growing rapidly along with the increasing use of technology.

Most people confuse zero-click and zero-day attacks.

A zero-day attack occurs after an attacker exploits a software or hardware vulnerability and releases malware before developers have had a chance to create a patch to fix the vulnerability.

Clickless attacks, as we've discussed, require no clicks or interactions to occur. However, there is still a correlation between the two types of attacks as sometimes zero-click attacks exploit the deepest and most underlined zero-day weaknesses to carry out their attacks.

Simply put, because developers haven't reported zero-day flaws, zero-click attacks take advantage of that aspect, thus performing exploits that would be difficult to detect or research.