How Far Is The Formula E Research Process In KPK?

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is still investigating allegations of corruption related to the implementation of the Formula E racing event in DKI Jakarta. Recently, investigators are looking into why the commitment fee paid to the organizers is higher than in other cities.

Deputy Chairperson of the KPK Alexander Marwata said the alleged corruption in the implementation of Formula E was still ongoing. Investigators are currently exploring a number of information, one of which is regarding the expensive payments made to the organizers of the activity.

For information, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government paid 122.102 million pounds or Rp. 2.3 trillion to the organizers of this racing event. This price is more expensive because other countries only spend Rp. 1.7 billion to Rp. 17 billion.

"This information will be investigated later by investigators. The reasons why the DKI Provincial Government has paid so much," Alexander told reporters at the KPK's Red and White Building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Thursday, November 25.

However, he suspects that the high cost of paying is because Jakarta is less well known than other host cities such as Rome in Italy. According to Alexander, the city has international popularity.

Meanwhile, Jakarta, he continued, is not yet very popular in the eyes of the international community, so this event is considered one of the steps to seek popularity.

"Other cities may be considered already popular, already able to attract tourists to watch Formula E and so on," he said.

Even so, Alexander said this was just an assumption. So that investigations will continue to be carried out, including exploring where the money transfer or transfer is carried out.

"Does it (transfer, red) to the right party who has the authority, for example, the owner of the rights to Formula E and so on. That is what investigators will investigate later, why do they have to pay such a high price and so on," he said.

However, Alexander has not been able to explain further about this investigation and asks the public to be patient because his team is still working.

It is known that the KPK is indeed investigating allegations of corruption related to the implementation of this racing event. The anti-corruption commission said the investigation was carried out after reports from the public.

Related to this, the Secretary General of the Indonesian Motorcycle Association (IMI) Ahmad Sahroni said that his party as the implementing committee for Formula E with the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government would cooperate with the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) in the implementation of Formula E.

The KPK will be asked for assistance in overseeing the planning of the Formula E event to prevent irregularities.

"We will ask for an audience with the KPK after the Formula E committee is formed, to ask for Formula E assistance," said Sahroni at a press conference entitled IMI Encouraging Formula E to Succeed in Indonesia, Wednesday, November 24.

Sahroni thinks that the KPK must take part in the electric car racing event. The reason is that Formula E is often dragged into political affairs even though the main purpose of this event is to show Indonesia in the eyes of the world.

Meanwhile, IMI General Chair Bambang Soesatyo also invited the KPK to investigate allegations of corruption in the planning of Formula E in Jakarta. "Whenever someone is accused, please let the law run. But because this is an international event, the event will continue. This will be beautiful and clear in time," said Bamsoet.

Bamsoet said he was proud of the electric car racing event. According to him, the Jakarta E-Prix event will make Indonesia, especially Jakarta, better known to the world.

"E-Prix will take the names of Jakarta and Indonesia to a new level. E-Prix is more than a racing event, but also a signal that must be sent to Indonesia. We are ready," he concluded.