Densus Says Two Jamaah Islamiyah Funding Institutions Can Earn IDR 29 Billion Every Year
JAKARTA - The Anti-terror Detachment 88 stated that the Syam Organizer and the Amil Zakat Institution of the Abdurrahman Bin Auf Mall (LAZ BM ABA) could support funds to the terror group Jamaah Islamiyah (JI) network of up to IDR 29 billion. This grant is provided annually.
"For example, when it was revealed that during the investigation, Syam's income was almost IDR 15 billion per year. This is only included in the calculation of the financial statements", said Head of the Operational Assistance Section for the Anti-Terror Detachment 88, Kombes Aswin Siregar to reporters, Thursday, November 25.
As for funding from LAZ BM ABA, Aswin continued, it could generate up to IDR 14 billion per year. Fundraising is done in two ways, namely donations from the community with the mode of social activity and from members.
"In BM ABA, it's not much different, it's around IDR 14 billion per year", said Aswin.
However, it is possible that the amount could exceed IDR 29 billion. Because it is suspected that there were financial reports that were not recorded by the two JI funding institutions
"Because we know with the disconnected cell system they made, by avoiding formal records or records. This number can be more fantastic than what can be revealed through reports", said Aswin.
The National Police stated that they had mapped two sources of funding for the Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) terrorism network. The two sources of funds are internal and external.
"There are two sources of funding (the JI network)", said Karo Penmas of the Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Rusdi Hartono, to reporters, Wednesday, November 17.
For internal sources, said Rusdi, obtained from JI members. They donate their income every month.
"The amount (donation) is about 2.5 percent of the members' monthly income", said Rusdi.
Then, for external sources, it is done by establishing a charitable institution, one example of which is Amil Zakat Baitul Mal Abdurrahman bin Auf (LAZ BM ABA).