Two Fraudsters Seek Money By Taking The Name Of KAI Officials

JAKARTA - FTS and IL were arrested by the police for fraud. They commit fraud by being able to enter prospective workers because they are close to three high-ranking officials in the company.

Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus said that by claiming the closeness, they promised that potential victims could enter PT KAI easily and quickly.

"The perpetrators have sacked three high-ranking company officials. Directors, HRD, and Vice President," said Yusri in Jakarta, Monday, December 23.

The perpetrators were taken down by the three high-ranking company officials by creating a WhatsApp account using the names and photos of PT KAI officials. In addition, the two actors also created a group in the short message application.

The suspect has received tens of millions of rupiah from the victims. They promise victims of specific jobs, such as secretaries, operators and station heads. The condition is that the victims deposit money to them.

"Attracting victims to be able to manage to become employees of PT KAI by asking for payment of Rp1,500,000 to Rp4,000,000 per person without testing and selection by appointing vacant positions," said Yusri.

"(The fraudulent act) has been running from August to October. They have recruited 43 people, which never came to fruition," continued Yusri.

Suspect of PT KAI job fraud fraud (Rizky Adytia Pramana / VOI)

On the same occasion, the Director of Human Resources and General Affairs of PT KAI, Ruli Adi said that the recruitment of employees at PT KAI was carried out through the official website. Thus, the public is asked not to believe in the recruitment pattern of PT KAI's employees. who asked for some money.

"PT KAI in recruiting employees is very professional, transparent, objective, and no one uses a penny. I want to appeal not to be easily tempted, indeed PT KAI is very tempting," said Ruli.