Tangerang Prepares A Budget Of IDR 200 Billion Per Year To Incentive 20 Thousand Public And Private Teachers

JAKARTA - The Mayor of Tangerang, Banten, Arief R Wismansyah said to maintain the welfare level of educators in public and private schools by providing incentives to 20 thousand teachers.

"The budget allocation reaches Rp 200 billion a year. So, the workload of teachers is calculated, incentives are given for around 20,000 teachers," said Tangerang Mayor Arief R Wismansyah after the National Teacher's Day Commemoration and Indonesian Teachers Association Day (PGRI) in Tangerang City, Thursday 25 November.

Mayor Arief said PGRI as a professional organization must be able to play a maximum role in glorifying teachers and improving the quality of education in Indonesia, especially Tangerang City, in addition to being a professional and competent organization.

"In addition, it builds solidarity and solidarity from each of its members," said the Mayor at the event which was attended by the Head of the Education Office Jamaludin and a number of teachers who were present at the event, as quoted from Antara.

The Mayor conveyed efforts to improve the quality of teachers in Tangerang City through various trainings and webinars to be ready to face the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 and smart society 5.0.

"So that teachers can adapt to the pattern of education in the present and future era," he said.

He acknowledged that the challenges ahead in creating a golden generation are getting tougher, especially due to the impact of the pandemic. Although today many teachers are increasingly competent and understand the world of information technology. Because, learning systems using information technology can no longer be ruled out.

"So we must understand each other and open ways that are in accordance with the times," he said.

The mayor also appreciated PGRI's steps to continue to improve the competence of teachers by holding training to prepare professional teaching staff.

As a forum for teachers, PGRI is expected to continue to synergize with various parties in facilitating the competence of teachers and the advancement of the world of education.

"This training is very useful for teachers, especially in the current era," he said.

The Head of the Tangerang City Education Office, Jamaluddin, said that competency training for teachers had been carried out and would continue to be held in collaboration with various parties such as Indonesian lecturers and other institutions.

"The enthusiasm of the teachers is very great in understanding the challenges ahead, so that it becomes a provision to provide lessons to students so that they can be easily understood," he said.